Qualified consulting for evaluation and planning of emission-reduction projects through to certification of carbon credits
- Evaluation of project feasibility
- Definition and drafting of project documents
- Presentation of project to third-party certification body for its validation

Publication of the project and generated credits on public register
Certified carbon credits must be registered on a public registers in order to proceed with digitalisation.
Valore CO2 guides customers through this process using leading national and international public registers (e.g. VERRA, GS, eCO2care etc.).
Registration is a fundamental step in order to give credibility and transparency to certified credits obtained by a project and therefore for the subsequent process of tokenisation using blockchain technology that enables them to be leveraged and traded.

Process for emission of VACO2 Tokens on Carbon-Negative Public Blockchain through a secure and verifiable standard
Platform for simple and secure trading and offsetting of tokens
Valore CO2 has developed a platform that enables management of VACO2 Tokens. The platform simplifies portfolio management using a personal wallet enabling all transactions through a secure and intuitive interface.
The platform therefore enables transfer, trading and offsetting of VACO2 tokens and the corresponding carbon credits.