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Valore CO2 offers comprehensive support services to its customers, from planning projects for the reduction and/or -removal of greenhouse gases through to completion of the entire procedure with issue of VACO2 tokens, which are the digital representation of one tonne of CO2 emissions avoided or absorbed. Tokens can therefore be traded, or simply offset, securely and quickly with a fully verifiable process.

Qualified consulting for evaluation and planning of emission-reduction projects through to certification of carbon credits

Valore CO2 guides customers with a team of qualified sustainability experts for identification and implementation of CO2 emission-reduction projects, from planning through to certification of credits. Valore CO2 supports customers in all phases required to obtain credits generated by certified projects in accordance with internationally recognised standards. Specifically, consulting involves the following steps:
  • Evaluation of project feasibility
  • Definition and drafting of project documents
  • Presentation of project to third-party certification body for its validation
Ongoing support in project monitoring phase and certification of generated carbon credits.

Publication of the project and generated credits on public register

Certified carbon credits must be registered on a public registers in order to proceed with digitalisation.
Valore CO2 guides customers through this process using leading national and international public registers (e.g. VERRA, GS, eCO2care etc.).
Registration is a fundamental step in order to give credibility and transparency to certified credits obtained by a project and therefore for the subsequent process of tokenisation using blockchain technology that enables them to be leveraged and traded.

Process for emission of VACO2 Tokens on Carbon-Negative Public Blockchain through a secure and verifiable standard

Valore CO2 has developed a secure and verifiable protocol that enables issue of VACO2 Tokens. The issue of VACO2 Tokens is guaranteed by the corresponding Carbon Credits on the register that are “immobilised” by the company, and which can be offset or “released” on the register through the token. The Blockchain and Smart Contract developed by Valore CO2 make the process publicly verifiable.

Platform for simple and secure trading and offsetting of tokens

Valore CO2 has developed a platform that enables management of VACO2 Tokens. The platform simplifies portfolio management using a personal wallet enabling all transactions through a secure and intuitive interface.

The platform therefore enables transfer, trading and offsetting of VACO2 tokens and the corresponding carbon credits.